The rich are getting richer and richer. The poor and middle class are in the same situation. what to do. Is this possible? You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.
Some rich people do not tell the remedies so easily. There is hope that the benefit of reparation will go away if told outside. We are going to know about such a remedy through this post.
But there is also a subtlety in stating the remedy outside. There is nothing wrong with saying that everyone will benefit if this remedy is done.
But it is only after I have applied this particular remedy that I should not let anyone know that I got this benefit alone. Because for a few, only a few remedies will work.
It is better to decide which remedy gives us a hand and then use it. Because for the same kind of problems, different kinds of remedies are said.
Only we know which one is right. So if you know it, do not tell that secret to the next person. Thus the people of the northern states, the big big rich all use this remedy.
You can use it if it seems right to you. Magical tricks are nothing at all. Put two pieces of green camphor, basil, and 5 cloves in a small copper bowl and place any gold jewelry you have in your home.
It's okay to have a bullet gold. If you put in it you will have the opportunity to buy more and more gold for yourself. You can put this small bowl, whatever the ring is on it, and keep this bowl where you put the jewelry.
Do not buy green camphor in ordinary stores. Good to buy at country drugstore. You can change the basil in this bowl at any time.
Add 108 cloves and tie in a thread. If you can't, you can even tie it like a flower. So a total of 108 villages have to be built and prepared like rosaries.
Use that rosary to roll this clove of rosary inwards while chanting the mantra ‘Om Mahalakshmi Namaha’ while worshiping Mahalakshmi every Friday. There is definitely benefit in doing so.
There is nothing wrong with trying to find a solution. If you have been doing this for a few days and it seems to be working well then you can keep trying.
Those who think it is useless can give up. The fear that the problem will come if you stop halfway done is not necessary at all.
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