From ordinary people to people in the biggest place, everyone is sure to be enemies, foes, traitors. Those who dig holes from the ground up, those who are jealous of our progress, those who harm us will all be subject to the problem in some way.
When such people are with us, it becomes our top priority. What can you do so easily with such greed? Continue reading this post to find out.
The negative forces that surround us, whether we know it or not, such as eye lust, voodoo, witchcraft, evil, and jealousy, continue to hinder our progress.
Whatever business we do! No matter what the business! There will be no progress. All new opportunities will slip away.
The only thing to lament is that what reached the hand did not reach the mouth. Enemies that are invisible to our eyes are far worse than enemies that we know.
They will continue to dig a hole for us. When will we get near that pit! Let's fall! They will be waiting for that. It's not that rich, it's poor! That’s a problem everyone has.
In the moments when we can achieve cosmic success in our lives many branches will continue to sprout beneath us unnecessarily. Only when those branches are cut off can we thrive as a giant.
suddenly majestically standing up? Envy views often turn into greed. This is why our forefathers used to say, ‘Even if you wear glasses, you can wear glasses.
From time to time we would just go around doing something called smoking sambarani so as not to have negative effects on the devotees.
However enemies, enemies who are more likely to face problems can do this remedy. This remedy will distract your enemies and malicious people to the extent that they cannot come to your side.
Aloe vera is a great ingredient for home remedies. It is a spiritual belief that bran will pulverize all the lusts and jealous eyes that fall on us when the eucalyptus erupts.
Write down the name of the enemy who is harassing you on a white piece of paper. Crush and grind a little camphor.
You can touch this camphor powder with your finger and write down the name of your enemies or enemies or traitors. Then add a little white mustard to it. It is enough to add half a spoonful.
Fold this paper into four and come to the door of the house and light a fire in the middle. Doing this on full moon and new moon days will give extra benefits.
When camphor and white pepper are burned with that name, the person by the name will not even look back at your page. This powerful remedy to get rid of eye soreness can be done and benefited by all.
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