Instead of going to the store and buying what you see, you too can go to your kitchen and do this you too can become a beautiful!
In this age of booming sales of beauty products, it has become a painful thing for many people to turn to artificial means instead of nature.
It is not so good to seek artificial in things like beauty and health than other things. Natural products that give a permanent solution are in our home kitchen, rather than synthetic products that give a temporary solution.
What if people with dark circle under the eyes, facial fatigue, irritability, and unhealthy skin go to the kitchen and do disaster?
That's what we want to know through this post. People who use mobile phone, laptop or computer a lot often suffer because of the dark circles under the eyes.
When the dark circle comes under the eyes, our face looks dull as if something is sick. Often housewives who do not care about their health get facial fatigue like this.
We do not have to spend a lot of money to go out and maintain our face. We can transform beautifully with the naturally available vegetables and fruits that can be in our home kitchen.
Cabbage has the miraculous power to bring the face out of fatigue. Whether you eat cabbage or not, chop some cabbage, add water, boil well and strain it.
Wash your face with warm water in this water. Vitamins A, C and D in it will help our face recover from fatigue and irritability.
Then add half a cup of yogurt and a few cucumber slices and grind nicely. Apply the paste all over the face and leave it to dry. Rinse well.
This should be done regularly daily. Only then will you soon begin to notice a change for the better. You can also use olive oil instead of cucumber with yogurt.
Mix the two well and apply on the face, dry for 20 minutes and wash off. The face will look fresh and fresh. Dirt gets inside through the tiny pores on the face and causes pimples.
Coconut milk has the power to bring out the dead cells that are trapped inside the pores, so when you grind coconut milk, rub a little coconut milk all over your face and leave it to dry.
Then wash your face with cold water to remove dead cells and make your face glow. Then mix equal amounts of tomato juice, potato juice and lemon juice and apply on face and pat dry.
It does not even make any skin problems close to your face. When chopping vegetables and fruits, you can save money and time if you take the skin care juices and wash your face immediately.
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