Money can come in search of your home in many ways, even if the possession is hidden in this place in your home without anyone noticing.

                    If you look closely at some of the rich people in our neighborhood. They do not know what business they are doing, what work they are doing, and how they are making billions of dollars. 

 Money for the rich comes in many forms. But, they will take care of it without knowing the outside in which way they are earning that money.  

In the same way we are going to make a remedy for you by keeping the tantric possession of money in many ways, to keep coming home.  

If you do this remedy the money will come to you in many ways and fill the cash box.  But you should not just share the secret of how the money came with it.  

You can benefit from doing this remedy in secret.  It is important to note that money must come to your hands in a good way.  

To make this secret remedy we need a small glass bowl, rock salt, mint, henna seeds.  Take the glass bowl.  Fill it with rock salt.  

In that rock salt should be hidden the price of measles and henna without anyone noticing.  Put a small piece of henna seed under the glass bowl and pour rock salt over it.  

But the presence of measles in the midst of rock salt should not be visible to outsiders.  You can keep this glass bowl in your living room or living room.  

Twice a week take only old rock salt and dissolve it in water and refill with new rock salt.  This is a method. 

Secondly, keep a small piece of charcoal hidden under the stone in your home salt jar.  Whoever comes and picks up the salt from the jar of salt, that measles should not touch the hands of others.  

That measles must not be visible even if others see it. It is also worth noting that your luck will go out if the measles becomes known to the eyes of others.  

Measles can seduce everything.  That is to say, there is a lot of potential for this possession to be captivated by positive energy.  

When we place this vase in the rock salt that matches the Mahalakshmi feature, Mahalakshmi becomes the charm within our home. 

Similarly henna seeds are also very popular with Mahalakshmi.  The house where the henna seed is will definitely be Lakshmikadatsam.  

When salt and henna seeds belonging to Mahalakshmi are added, we get double its power.  You should try both remedies.  

Of course in a very few days you will realize that money is moving into your home without you even knowing it.  Let's end this post with the idea that good things will happen.
