Those who have money will have more money together. For those who do not have money, it is often enough to join a small amount of money. Why this situation? How to change this?
Such questions remain in the minds of many. They get value and respect in this society only by keeping one's economic status.
Many people are tempted to put their money into an investment and raise it many times over. Through this post we are going to learn about the ways in which we can raise the necessary quality of life and attract the money we need.
According to the proverb, "Everything they touch will be lost, and if they touch it, the soil will turn to gold." Whether they are starting a business or having work-related issues, they will find success in it.
This is because of their horoscope. The phases in their horoscope also play an important role in enriching someone. If Venus dominates 2nd house, 5th house, 8th house, 9th house, 9th house, 1st house in one's horoscope, cash flow will come to you automatically.
According to these, if the dominance of the planets is in your favor, the small effort you make will succeed and the money will come to you.
Planets that attract money: Jupiter is the planet of wealth. If you have the favor of Jupiter you will continue to amass wealth.
Venus is the planet of luxury and comfort. If you have the grace of Venus you will have excessive wealth.
Wednesday is the head of the fund. Those who have the grace of Mercury will excel in their profession. No matter what business you are in, you will reap multiple benefits.
Pooja and Worship to Attract Money: Cash flow can be strengthened by performing Santoshi Mata fast or Vaibhav Lakshmi fast every Friday.
Feeding chickpeas to monkeys every Saturday will help you to cash in on your cash crunch by spreading your income barrier as well as chanting some magic.
"Om Sri Lakshmi Narayanaya Nama
Om Namo Bhagavade Sri Vasudevaya Nama
Om Sreem Hreem Sreem Kamale Kamalayaya Prasita Prasad
Om Sreem Hreem Sreem Mahalakshmiye Nama"
If you recite this mantra daily in the morning and recite it wholeheartedly, you will have wealth, prosperity and good luck.
Your financial situation will improve and you will soon have enough money in your hand to buy your own home
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